How Does Water Printing Work?

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Water printing, also known as hydrographic printing, applies a printed pattern or design to a three-dimensional object. Water printing involves using a water-soluble film with a printed design on its surface to transfer the pattern onto the object.

Water transfer printing is commonly used to decorate various objects, including automotive parts, sporting goods, electronics, and firearms. The printing can be used to apply intricate and detailed patterns that are difficult to achieve with other printing methods and can also be used to create custom designs unique to each object.

Working on a water transfer printing

The process involves using a specialized film with a water-soluble ink pattern that is transferred onto the object's surface.

Here are the basic steps involved in water transfer printing:

Preparing the object

The object to be printed must be thoroughly cleaned and primed with a base coat to ensure that the ink adheres properly.

In water transfer printing, object preparation involves the following steps.

The object to be printed needs to be thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt, grease, or other contaminants that may interfere with the printing process. This can be done using soap and water, rinse, and dry.

The object's surface must be roughened or lightly sanded to create a better bonding surface for the transfer film. This helps to ensure that the ink adheres properly to the object's surface.

Preparing the film

The film with the desired pattern is placed in a water tank, and an activator chemical is sprayed onto the film. The activator dissolves the film and causes the ink to liquefy and float on the water's surface.

The first step is to select a design you want to apply to the object. This design can be any image or pattern you like and be printed on a special hydrographic film.

Once you have the design, it must be printed onto the hydrographic film using a special inkjet printer. The film is made of a water-soluble material that dissolves in water, leaving the ink behind.

Applying the ink

The object is carefully dipped into the water tank, and the ink pattern adheres to its surface. The object is then removed from the water tank and rinsed to remove any excess ink.

The activated film is carefully placed on the water's surface in a tank that's large enough to hold the printed object. The film will float on the surface of the water.

The printed object is then carefully dipped into the water, allowing the ink from the film to transfer onto the object's surface.

Drying and curing

The object is left to dry and cure for a set amount of time, depending on the type of ink used and the curing method.


A clear coat protects the design and gives the object a glossy finish.

Water transfer printing can be used on various materials, including plastics, metals, wood, and ceramics. It is often used to decorate car parts, sporting equipment, and household items. Get the best water transfer printing services from us.



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