How Does Injection Molding Work?

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Injection molding is a plastic manufacturing machine that involves melting, holding, pressing, and finally cooling the raw plastic to make the final shapes of plastic items. Molding is the simplest process of making plastic items and plastic parts. It is not as complex as the other plastic manufacturing processes.

Injection molding commonly consists of only two steps: selecting the right thermoplastic and mold and manufacturing the final item from that mold. The molding machine is powered by hydraulic pressure and electricity.

Working on the injection molding

The injection molding machine works on heating, compressing, holding, and finishing principles. The complete working process is as follows.

Molten preparation in the heating chamber

After selecting the right thermoplastic for the plastic molding process to finally make plastic items, a melting process melts raw plastic completely for further molding.

This step involves feeding the selected thermoplastic into the injection molding machine via a funnel-shaped hopper.

Pressing chamber with metallic plates

The molten material from the heating chamber is now moving toward the clamping chamber. In the clamping chamber, two metallic plates simply hold molten material inside them. The plates then press the melted thermoplastic with high pressure.

The high-pressure pressing gives the mold a proper shape, which is held for some time in a holding chamber for further processing.

 The screwed gateway avoids the backward movement of the molten material toward the feeder outside the cylinder. The pressing chamber contains two metal plates that perfectly press the molten thermoplastic for the final shaping.

Injection molding

Holding chamber

The mold is still hot from the clamping chamber and can fluctuate to any other shape, so it is held for some time in the holding or dwelling chamber. Holding will make the molded product consistent and valuable.

A holding chamber is not about operating something because its only purpose is to keep the product in the same position as given by the presser or camping chamber.

Cooling chamber

Cooling is the process of providing strength to the pressed mold or the product. Cooling helps the manufacturing components to remain in their right position. In the cooling chamber, the mold is passed through a very low temperature that helps the components to freeze at their exact positions, which will maintain the efficiency of the whole process.

The cooling step is not complicated; it is because the mold is placed in the chamber, and the cooling makes it solid after a few minutes.


Now the cooled final-shaped plastic core is ejected out of the mold cavity. The final product is then moved towards the next chamber that is responsible for making the product attractive and commercial.


In the end, the final manufactured product is added to the finisher to add beautiful colors to the product to make it attractive. Finishing also involves cutting or rubbing some extra or useless plastic part that remains attached even at the ejection point.

Injection molding is a plastic production machine by melting thermoplastic and molding it into the final product. You can get all the products you need for injection molding from our website. You can get the real value from us.



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